Daniel Satanik

Daniel Satanik

of (by) Daniel Satanik...|


Daniel Satanik is a young developer that started out with a fairly long start-up history. During my 5 years studies in game development, I also worked on multiple web portals and broadened my knowledge about my favorite topics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Recently, during my work at Austria’s largest research firm AIT, I shifted half of my focus to DevOps and SRE while otherwise working on complex software for applied research projects. Furthermore, I have certifications and some practice in leading and managing inter-cultural teams. I would describe my working style as a good balance of striving for high-quality and managing resources efficiently.

I have many hobbies. My favorite non-coding activities involve Japanese culture, including language, food, games and media, as well as, weightslifting, health, motor-biking, books and martial arts.


For the longest time when I was a child I had this dream of becoming an inventor (exactly like Gyro Gearloose). When I think back now this is exactly what I am doing now. The art of software engineering entered my life through a pipe dream of becoming a game programmer or a hacker after I was fed up with arts school. After all the experience I have gained, I think there are lots of different areas in IT that provide highly challenging problems. Nowadays, the most challenges I face stem from modern web applications and Kubernetes-related work.



Me entering the world of Japan and Japanese culture is nothing I would ever have imagined in that way. Not even close. I immersed myself in this completely contrary world and feel as comfortable as if it had always been part of my life. The reasons that happened are simple but various coincidences. I have not enough space to go into too much detail here, but in Austria we are confronted with Japanese culture early on as children through Anime on TV. Later on I found myself joining a Japanese Martial Arts Club and when the opportunity presented itself in university, I attended a Japanese class. Watching anime and reading manga became one of my favourite pastimes and was what ultimately decided that I would study in Japan and immerse myself in the culture. A few years back I have changed to read japanese light novels instead.

Weight Lifting

This may be genetic or not, but I remember my father has continuously been in training. I picked this up when I was still in my early teens. And have done it ever since with a few necessary breaks in-between. My life would be not complete if I miss out on my regular dose of sports. When I say sports though, it is usually stuff not dependent on running and team-competition, which I kind of dislike. Apart from weight lifting I do like snowboarding, biking and swimming though.


I think for every child gaming is a must-like, especially digital ones. I was no exception and enjoyed gaming for the longest time to an extent were it filled (together with partying) most of my life. Since my education in game development, however, I started finding more joy in the challenges that arise with game designing and development. So much that I rarely play myself anymore. I am still quite interested though, and developed a habit of buying cheap indie games on Steam to test them for a few hours, to learn about new game mechanics and enjoying new things.


I cannot remember at which time I decided I was going to have a bike in the future, but this never changed; and ever since I have had my license and my bike, I have never been more fulfilled personally. I just love the feeling of the acceleration, the centrifugal forces, when the back-wheel slips and the maneuverability. Altogether biking is a part of my life I don’t want to give up.

Series and Movies

There is tons of series and movies out there and I can’t help but be interested in new stories. In my early days I used stickey-notes, then excel sheets and finally decided to semi-professionally track my watch progress. It’s not very simple though since I watch on various platforms which all keep track themselves but I try to maintain my own database as best as possible.

 Series and Movies


During my education I acquired certified soft skills allowing me to work in international teams and working professionally with the projectmanagement-framework Scrum. The former was a two week training I completed in France, while the latter was acquired in my project mangament course in university.
OpenShift logo

Containers, Kubernetes
and OpenShift Administration

Ansible logo

Linux Automation
with Ansible


Summer School


Effective Communication
in Multicultural Teams

Scrum process logo

Scrum Master I



I did various jobs before I could really dive into the world of professional software engineering. Among others I was working in

Thereafter I was continously employed in different start-ups in which I gained invaluable expierence. My current job is as a research engineer at Austria’s largest research company AIT.

  • AIT logo

    Since December 2018

    AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

    I am currently working as a research engineer in AITs center of digital safety and security in information management. There we are working in different national and international applied research projects.

  • NEAH logo

    March 2017 - June 2018

    Next GmbH

    Previously as the acting CTIO I was employed at Next. I managed all IT-related stuff and the development team, composed of internationals. We worked on real-time service facilitating on a regional level.

  • Austrian Armed Services logo

    September 2016 - March 2017

    Austrian Armed Services

  • Polycular OG logo

    December 2014 - February 2016

    Polycular OG

    Polycular was founded by one of my professors at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. The company created location-based games and services with the vision to draw attention to a low ecological footprint. I was mainly involved in the game development and location-based features of the City Caching Salzburg Project utilizing the game engine Unity3d.

  • meinKauf GmbH logo

    March - December 2014

    meinKauf GmbH

    During my studies I worked at meinKauf improving the online platform based on RoR which provides a convenient way of tracing bargain sales through online brochures.

  • Stilnest logo

    2012 - 2014

    Spontaneous Order GmbH

    I was part of Stilnest’s beginnings, helping to build the online presence. In the early stages we created a WebGL tool for customizing 3D printed jewelery under the name of Mijuu. Later the company changed to sell 3D printed jewelery from local designers in Germany and changed the name to Stilnest. I created the CMS for populating the platform with content and was implementing the front-end design.


  • Salzburg University of Applied Sciences logo

    2014 - 2020

    FH Salzburg MSc

    In my masters I coninued studying MultiMedia Technology and was majoring in Game Development and Lead while focusing my scientific work on ML and AI.

  • Asia Pacific University logo

    Spring 2016

    Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

    In the 4th semester of my masters I went abroad to Japan. I indulged myself in the culture and studied, the Japanese language, cultural courses (e.g. Tea Ceremony), and Health Science. I furthermore did a lot of traveling and focused on my understanding and learning about the Japanese culture itself.

  • Effective Communication in Multi-Cultural Teams logo


    ECMT - An Erasmus Intensive Programme

    ECMT was a program held by the collaborative work of 6 universities in Europe imparting an awareness for communicating in multi-cultural teams. I joined the program as part of our BUDDY program, supporting internationals at our university.

  • Salzburg University of Applied Sciences logo

    2011 - 2014

    BSc at FH Salzburg

    As I was involved in media information systems and engineering in my high school I got a recommendation of one of my teachers to look into the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. I did, and was captivated by the sheer difference between school and university. Without a second thought I left Klosterneuburg my hometown and moved to Salzburg to study MultiMedia Technology, immersing myself in fundamental techniques of game development and AR.

  • Technical Highschool Spengergasse logo

    2006 - 2011

    HTL Spengergasse

    Even though I really enjoyed drawing all through junior high, my other passion was the natural sciences i.e. math, chemistry and physics. During that time computers were already omnipresent and also programming/coding was well-known. I decided it would be a good idea to become a game developer or a hacker and went to the technical high school HTL Spengergasse as a result.

  • School Boerhaavegasse logo

    2002 - 2006

    BG/BRG Booerhaavegasse

    From a very young age onward I was continuously fascinated by the art of drawing. Thus, shortly before I finished the elementary school I brought my mom to get me enrolled in the arts school Booerhaavegasse in Vienna.


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